Saturday, March 27, 2021

Artwork for Sale

 All artwork comes WITH the frame, except one.  Sizes are 11x14 for the ACFS portrait, and 8x11 for all the rest.  All artwork is ORIGINAL except the two Lorraine prints.  Original prices were $10-$65 w/o the frame.  Prices DO NOT include shipping.  US & Canada only.

Artist:  Alice, $20

Artist:  Lorraine (print), $5

Artist:  Endonoviel (Marion), $10

Artist:  Lorraine (print), $5

Artist:  Endonoviel (Marion), $10 - NO FRAME

Artist:  Endonoviel (Marion), $20

Artist:  Endonoviel (Marion), $50


Suze777 said...

I'm interested in the 2 Lorraine prints and the ACFS art. My name is Susan and I'm in the US

Unknown said...

Lisa Barnes... I am interested in the unframed Starsky portrait by Endoviel for $10 please.

Suze777 said...

My zip is 34997.thanks

Unknown said...

Zip code is: 38019

VJG said...

I'm leaving a note from Lisa Barnes - she's having phone problems, but will be in touch with you as soon as she can!