Friday, December 15, 2006

21st Century Christmas Songs

Songs of the season for all kinds of personalities:

1) Schizophrenia- --- Do You Hear What I Hear, the Voices, the Voices?

2) Amnesia-- I Don't Remember If I'll be Home for Christmas

3) Narcissistic- - Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me

4) Manic-- Deck The Halls And Walls And House And Lawn And Streets And StoresAnd Office And Town And Cars And Buses And Trucks And Trees And Fire HydrantsAnd......... ...

5) Multiple Personality Disorder---- We Three Queens Disoriented Are

6) Paranoid---Santa Claus Is Coming To Get Us

7) Borderline Personality Disorder--- You Better Watch Out, You Better notShout, I'm Gonna Cry, and I'll not Tell You Why

8) Full Personality Disorder--- Thoughts of Roasting You On an Open Fire

9) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder---Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, JingleBells, Jingle Bells

10) Senile Dementia---Walking In a Winter Wonderland Miles from My House in MySlippers and Robe

12) Oppositional Defiant Disorder---I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus So I BurnedDown the House

13) Attention Deficit Disorder--We Wish You......Hey Look!! It's Snowing!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Jeans & Watches

Genre: Gen
Description: Alternate tag to ‘Shootout’. Response to challenge.

One day after the restaurant shooting:

He’s gonna be fine, he’s okay, Hutch reiterated to himself as he paused before opening the door to Starsky’s hospital room.

“Hey, buddy, you about ready to blow this joint?”

The moment the blond head appeared in the doorway, Starsky began to climb out of his hospital bed. By the time Hutch was fully through the door, he was on his feet, pulling the skimpy cotton gown down for propriety. “’Bought time you got here.” He grumbled to his partner.

Starsky grabbed the plastic bag full of clothes that Hutch held out, and quickly strode into the bathroom, not worrying that the back of his gown was open, after all he had briefs on.

From behind the partially closed bathroom door, Starsky made a suggestion. “Hey, Hutch? I was thinking…”

“You’ve got a bullet wound. Don’t strain yourself.”

“Ha, ha. Really. What if we had a celebration?”

“For what?”

“For me, making it. For you bringing down two mob hitmen. Kinda…” Starsky’s voice was muffled the rest of the sentence as he pulled his shirt on over his head.

“I don’t know, Starsky.”

“We can invite the girls, Huggy, Diane. Sammy and his girl can give us pointers and we can do a vaudeville routine.”

Starsky walked out of the bathroom as he tucked his shirt in his jeans one-handed. “I can do the jokes, you can be the straight-man.” He looked up at Hutch, “’Cause let’s face it, you can’t tell jokes.”

Hutch was affronted. “Can too!”

Starsky snorted. “Whatever you say, Hutch. But I’d get a better reaction from the audience. This’ll be fun. We can practice first, get some crazy getups…”

“No.” Hutch said firmly as he slapped Starsky’s wallet and badge into his outstretched palm.

Letting the subject go for now, Starsky slipped the wallet in his back pocket and pulled his jacket out of the plastic bag, putting the badge in that right pocket.

Hutch helped his partner put his jacket on and snapped the front buttons, keeping his injured arm in a sling beneath the jacket.

Both stood for a few minutes while Starsky looked around.

“Got everything?” Hutch asked. He grabbed the discharge instructions and a plant from off the chest of drawers next to the bed.

“Where’s my holster and gun?”

“Starsk, you can’t draw. Besides, you’re on leave for a few weeks. Don’t worry, the gun’s safely locked up and your holster is hanging up, back at your place.”

“Yeah? Well where’s my watch?”

“Your watch? You didn’t have a watch, did you?”

“Yeah. I always wear a watch. Remember? Back at the restaurant you gave me your pocket watch, ‘cause I couldn’t read my wristwatch. I feel naked without my watch.” He grumbled.

Without saying anything, Hutch turned around and opened the door to the hallway, holding it for his injured partner.

As Starsky stepped out before Hutch, he glared at him. “You forgot my watch didn’t you? Did you leave it in the emergency room?” Continued silence followed Hutch out the door. “You didn’t leave it at the restaurant did you, when the paramedics took it off?”

They strode down the hallway side by side, Hutch admitting that he left Starsky’s watch at home. “I was more worried about making sure you had a pair of crummy jeans, than a watch! Wouldn’t want you to go walking out of here with your bare ass sticking out!”

As they entered the elevator, Starsky grumbled. “What kind of cop am I? No watch, no gun. For that matter, what kind of partner are you?”

Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm a Baby Boomer, too!


The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen-Xer’s, Y’s. We classify generations of Americans in order to define their desires and needs, likes and dislikes; how they mold our lifestyles.

But what of us who fall through the cracks? How can the media categorize someone and try to fit their square peg into the round hole they want them to go into?

Baby boomers are technically those born from 1946 – the end of WW2 – to 1964 – the beginning of the Vietnam ‘Conflict’. That’s a 20 year difference and in my family encompasses two generations in one classification. My Uncle – born in 1947, and myself – born in 1964.

When I was in college it was big news that the first Baby Boomers were turning 40. Now that I’ve hit that big age mark, the media talks about the first Baby Boomers retiring. I’m nowhere near retiring. How can I compare myself to those now turning 60?

Our viewpoints are different. They remember Vietnam, Kennedy, Kent State, the moon landing. I wasn’t even born when Kennedy was shot. Kent State has no meaning to me, other than it’s nearby my city and they hold annual events pertaining to the shooting. I wasn’t allowed to stay up for the moon landing, and my parents shielded me from Vietnam coverage. At that age I only cared about Speed Racer, learning to ride a bike, dressing my Barbies, and that I loved having a baby sister.

While the eldest of the Baby Boomers are concerned about retiring, rising health costs, and being able to afford their currently lifestyles, my concerns are how I’m going be able afford to send two kids to college and if Social Security will still be around when I get to that glorious age. Or if I or my husband WILL BE able to retire.

The media consistently draws attention to Baby Boomers as the generation who’s been defining American lifestyles and our dictates for the past 30 years. There’s nothing wrong with that, as that ‘generation’ involves the majority of citizens. However, even within that demographic, the media caters to or determines those Baby Boomers as those born in the 1950s or just after the war. What about us stragglers – those born in the early 60s? Who are we? Where do we fit in? How do our choices and decisions reflect currently policy, entertainment, or living? Don’t we get a say, too? The Gen X-ers and Y’s are now getting their voices heard and their choices known. But somehow a generation of children at the end of the baby boomer era and through the early 70’s got forgotten by the media.

As the Baby Boomers reach more age and lifestyle goals, we’ll continue to be defined by those a generation older than us. I can’t compare myself to those just turning 60, or even those in their 50s. I’m still young enough to have children in school, to have a hefty mortgage, small savings, and decades ahead of work.

So to the media and everyone else I shout, I’m a Baby Boomer, too! But don’t define me by a specific demographic. Don’t forget about me and those of us born at the tail end of the baby boom. We need to have our voices heard. Our goals, dreams, choices are just as important to the demographic as those of the Greatest Generation and beyond.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Why is Jade still ungracing our TV?

Jade is good TV. She's actually takes excellent pictures, but she's better TV. Her mismangement of words & phrases are funny. Her attitude is drama. Every week people want to see/hear what Jade is going to pull next. But I seriously doubt she can win.

I love both Joanie & Danielle, and both take beautiful pictures. Danielle has more personality & spirit than 90% of the girls that have ever appeared on ANTM. I don't think there's been a more natural model than Joanie. Her elephant/shaver photoshoot was probably the best that's ever been done on ANTM. However, I do think that the producers are leading us down a path, making us believe that Danielle is too "uncouth" to win. Either lady would be a credit to any company that chooses to work for them. Sure Danielle's speech isn't the most eloquent, but it's not like you can't understand her at all! And I'm not Southern. How many top models today are from all over the world & have differing speech patterns & accents? And how they can say that Joanie doesn't "look" like a model is beyond me. She has that lovely long neck and excellent facial bone structure.

Why Chris Lost and is there a conspiracy?

Let's get to the main point: Was there a conspiracy by Fox to get rid of Chris?

No... for the following reasons:

1) there is always a "shocking" exit every season on AI (though few less shocking than this one.) Beginning with the first season, Tamyra Gray was booted in fourth place over the vocally poor Nikki "Pole Dancer" McKibbin. Just last season Constantine was booted early on over Scott Savol (though I prefered Scott over Crapenstine, personally). Not only that we had four very good singers & performers. With three white Southern males, the vote was bound to be split in some ways.

2) why on Earth would Fox anger so many viewers by getting rid of the guy who was leading most of the polls to win? why on Earth would Fox dump such a good singer when many more fans were tuning in just to watch Chris? It makes no sense logically or financially.

3) re the phone number conspiracy. Last season Fox had two instances which the phone numbers were messed up or had technically difficulty, and not only admitted it, but in one instance even had a revote taken. Some fans say they couldn't get through, some have said they got through right away and voted for an hour straight. I haven't voted for Chris for sometime, throwing all my votes to Elliot (with a few thrown in for Taylor).

All this conspiracy talk is just poor sportsmanship on the part of fans and now listening & reading Chris' exit interviews, I see where they get it from.

Chris admitted that he arrogantly believed he was untouchable. On RealityTVGames, there is a post of play-by-play when he & Katharine were on the Seal. He's smirking & grinning just before the announcement, like he knew there was no way he was going. Not only that, now he's placing the blame firmly on the shoulders of the voters, rather than admitting that his voice was having problems and he showed minimal personality (& mostly a boring one). And that his intensity - while great for most of the songs he sang - turned off alot of viewers. Hard rock music is not as popular as one thinks in the U.S. (witness Carrie, Kellie, Bucky....)

I've been reading & reviewing the boards the past few days, and surprisingly many fans - while not ecstatic that he's gone - actually are relieved not to have to listen to his one-note singing, see his glaring, unsmiling face/eyes, or get bored. These are not my opinions (though true to some extent), but rather everything I've gathered on the boards.

Why did Chris lose is a different story. I believe that yes, the fans weren't out in full force. But also, the majority of votes come in through TEXT MESSAGING, NOT PHONING. Chris's fans for the most part, aren't the type to spend $ texting. Not only that, based on his interviews and listening to the last two weeks, I believe Chris was phoning his performances in, waiting for the finale. And I'm not the only one who believed that. It's very obvious now that he's very hurt, upset, and slightly bitter. OVER A TV SHOW?! One that gave him more fans and opportunities than he could ever have singing in a bar. He needs to calm down, move on, and so do the fans. Chris will actually be better off not having won or even come in second and have to do some lame-ass soft-rock like Bo was forced to do. (For proof, a months-old documentary that was reviewed on, it's very revealing on how frustrated Bo was in making 'his' CD.)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

American Idol 5/8

Taylor #1 - "Jailhouse Rock". Fun, energetic, the usual Taylor. It was a bit more kareoke than last week's 'FWB', but this is the Taylor we all smile at & clap with. Fug Simon, he's nuts sometimes.

Chris #1 - "Suspicious Minds". It was 'meh', for someone of Chris's abilities. And all I kept thinking was Why's he wearing Bo's sunglasses?

Elliot #1 - "????" Can't even remember what he sang! I do remember that he was shaky during the first part, and coming away unimpressed when he really needed to shine.

Katharine #1 - "Hound Dog" By rights, she should've nailed this song with as much fun as she seemed to be having. However, at this stage of the competition, to FORGET THE WORDS!!!! is a slap in the face to the artist and very unprofessional (Melissa McGhee anyone?), and they weren't even difficult lyrics (see Chris #2).

Taylor #2 - "In the Ghetto". Beautiful. Moving. When he nails a song, he NAILS a song. More moving & better interpretation that last week's "Something", and that's saying alot.

Chris #2 - "Little Less Conversation". I'm not sure what Simon's drinking, but he was waaay off on his critique of this song. It's a difficult song with the lower register taking up 90% of the song, and the hurried lyrics. But Chris nearly got it right. Except the last screaming part, he would've been better without that.

Elliot #2 - "Trouble". Unfortunately I missed this one, but from the clip it sounded 100% times better than the first. I'm throwing my vote his way to keep him on.

Katharine #2 - "Falling In Love". Aiiee, Aiiee, Aiiee. Not only was it over the top, but it was also shrill at points. Time for Katharine to go home. I'm surprised Simon isn't shilling for her, since she is the last female & a very pretty one at that.

Obviously I think Elliot & Katharine should be in the bottom two. Elliot has by far the best voice, however, he lacks the charisma. Taylor has the weakest voice, but the most personality & charisma. Taylor & Elliot also sing the songs from their soul. Katharine's more like a little robot (though not as bad as Diana), and Chris is too intense and needs to relax.... man. However, I do feel that Chris & Taylor (or Elliot & Taylor) will be battling it out at the end.



Tonight: American Idol does Elvis.

Tomorrow: Michael shot the sheriff, but he didn't shoot Henry
Will the Taiwanese ever take Jade off our hands?

Stay tuned!

Hutch's test

This is an initial test.

What a beautiful man!