Title: David and His Jonathan
Author: Hutchlover
Rating: R
Genre: Slash
Email: Hutchlover@sbcglobal.net
Categories: Committed Relationship, Starsky Angst, Hutch Angst
Description: Starsky dreams about another man, which affects his job performance and his relationship with Hutch.
Notes: In most upper class households of Greek, Roman, and other pre-Christian Mediterranean societies it was common to take a young man as a lover. For the young man, it was viewed as an honor to have an older, wealthier, and more world-wise man for a lover. Most upper class marriages were contracted for procreation or political advantage; while love, sexual pleasure, and in some cases creating a life together, were reserved for same sex companions/lovers.
The question of whether David and Jonathan were lovers will always be debated, with no definitive answers. However, based on verses in the Torah and the Bible, the symbolism can be interpreted to indicate a loving, sexual relationship between the two. God said “do not as the Greeks”, however, some scholars aren’t sure if God meant their multi-theistic society or their lifestyles, or both. The reader can make of it what they will…
The characters of David and Jonathan, and the basis of their story is historically correct as per 1Samuel. However, I took a few liberties with some dialog. This story is NOT meant to offend or to pretend that I am a scholar on Jewish/Christian/Greek religions. It is only a story for entertainment purposes and should not be taken literally. I love to be educated and would encourage any discussion about the meaning behind the scriptures, however, please no posts claiming I’ve corrupted or misinterpreted their religious beliefs. The Holy Bible reads different ways for everyone.
I owe tremendous thanks to Molo, Range, and Flamingo for their editing and pointers. And as always my biggest supporter was Mystic Whim who pushed and shoved me to get this story out.
The Comeback From My Most Recent Comeback
5 years ago
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