All through this Season of BB8, the Donato's have been sitting pretty. Dick's in-your-face / tell-it-like-it-is style was controlling the game with little interference from anyone else in the house. Everyone, except Jen & Mike, were simply 1) afraid to a) upset the house, or b) upset Dick, therefore upsetting the house; 2) giving him some respect as their elder; 3) unsure how to handle someone like Dick.
The problem is they probably never had to deal on a day-to-day basis with anyone as volatile or crude as Dick.
At first, I was a big fan of Evel Dick's. I got a kick out of him and was sure that 90% of his actions were game play. And it was obvious that he really wanted to mend fences with his daughter, and that he's been trying. He's also offered her some decent fatherly advice on Nick, and the game.
But with his vile displays of calling women "c---ts", and borderline assualts, he's lost all his power, his alliance (except Daniele), and any respect.
I never was a fan of Daniele's, though. She's always come across as a whinny, spoiled, immature brat who will use her father's amends to get what she wants. In other words "Daddy, if you make those mean people go away, I'll give you attention this week." She's been playing the game well up until Nick left. When she won HOH her brains went out the window and all she cares about is a personal vendetta.
I feel for her boyfriend (& Nick for that matter). But then again, unless he's whipped, my guess is Kris is waving bye-bye as I write this. If I were his parents, I'd put the kybosh on that relationship - not hard since he's apparently moving back in with them. And that's another reason he should walk - Daniele blurting all his financial difficulties to America.
Jen is coming across as less than an idiot, but more self-centered. She turns each conversation to focus on her. But she's actually playing the game itself very smart. She plays both sides of the fence with stealth, and doesn't resort to the name calling. Giving up 1/2 the prize money may have seemed dumb to us, but maybe with her modelling she doesn't really need it, and only wants the BB8 connection to land her more Hollywood jobs. Seems that way with her comments about getting TV jobs out of this stint.
Zach is fast becoming my favorite. He’s obsessed with keeping stats, and he’s not in any “alliance”, being more of a floater. He’s been extremely observant of what’s going on, even with the other HG’s ignoring him. It makes me feel sorry for him. Maybe he has some odd quirks, but maybe it’s also in the editing. Addendum: Not sure if he’s now playing NNH or RCA, or if he’s playing both sides of the fence, but he does appear to be blabbing a lot to Dick, which scares me. If Jessica does put up Dustin and Zach decides to stay loyal with Dick, Dustin could be evicted (depending on Jen’s vote, since America – NOT ME – appears to want Dustin out). Don't be surprised to see him in the final four, depending on what happens to the NNH (what's left of the former LNC), or as the Donato's call them: The RCA - Royal Court Alliance (with two maidens (Amber & Jamecka), one Jester (Eric), one Princess (Jessica), and one Queen (Dustin).
Onto the NNH or RCA:
I’m not sure about Jameka yet. She’s smart, pretty, stands up for herself, and is seemingly playing well. However, she is letting Dick get on her nerves rather than ignore him like Jen did. And her total faith that God already has the game planned out is ridiculous. God gives us the tools to use, but we make the choices. And calling Dick’s mother a bitch – even in the heat of the moment – was totally uncalled for and un-Christianlike.
I think for all the crap that ‘America’ is dishing out to Eric, trying to disrupt his game, he’s doing a damn good job. He’s a master manipulator. Dick likened him to a lawyer, and he does speak like one. He did a great job (with BB’s help) staying in the game, though I really don’t think Dustin was going to vote him out anyway. (See theory below) Apparently he wasn’t happy that ‘America’ voted for him to nominate Dustin, and he finally opened up and told ‘America’ in the Diary Room why the decision was crap. He’s got a cute relationship with Jessica going on; it’s fun to watch them getting drunk & playing games together. I don’t like what he told Dick about Amber’s secret, and the fact that the didn’t apologize to Amber on live tv on Thursday during his speech.
At first I was really prepared to dislike her. I do feel that she has a lot of growing up to do, but she’s just so damn adorable. Her natural joy & ebullience bring a smile to my face. And her relationship/friendship with Eric is fun to watch. I’m not sure how she’s really playing the game, other than by floating by & voting with the majority, but maybe we’ll see something during this week as HoH.
Dustin is my favorite player (with Zach a close 2nd). He’s controlling the NNH (or RCA), the girls trust him more than Eric, he’s close to everyone (except Dick). I think he’s in the position of the most power right now. I believe he never planned on voting out Eric in the first place. His body language to Amber screams lies. He just wanted to calm her down. Also, why would he not tell Dick he’d vote for Eric if it would buy some peace in the household (even if for a day). However, it was a bold & scary move to volunteer to go up as a pawn. He saw how that screwed Kail over. It doesn’t always work the first time even. I think the votes depend on what Jen & Zach do. I can’t see Jen voting to keep Dick in though, the way he’s treated her. Then again, they do have a truce, and she may see keeping Dick as a pawn to winning down the line. Aggghhh… I will be disappointed if Dustin leaves over Dick, but what can you do?
I don’t know where to start with this lady. Who goes on a nationally televised show where there are dozens of cameras 24 hours a day, and you’re wearing a microphone at all times, and tells their most private secrets to STRANGERS?! I’m not saying she didn’t deserve to have her raging fit to Eric, what he did was even more uncalled for. And her constant crying & blubbering over stupid things, like Dustin taking prizes (the Horrors!), and how she things being a mother is unique, and that she loves her dog equally as her daughter. Just plain disturbed. Someone has suggested that she was probably using drugs up until the time she entered the house and is going through withdrawal, and that’s the reason for the bi-polar emotional state. And how could she forget that it was her idea to backdoor Nick! And then to outright lie and cry that she’s never lied?! Even worse is her anti-Semitic tirade. Unbelievable. Apparently protesters were outside the house the following day creating such a ruckus that the HG’s had to be locked up together for several hours in the HoH room. Then there’s her idea that she’s America’s favorite… Huh? Why? She’s got a lot of growing up to do when she gets outside, and she’ll be very lucky if she has a boyfriend, too, after the crap she told America about.
Ah well, I don't understand 'America' wanting to vote out Dustin over Dickface. That must be why we have so many social illnesses in our country today.
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