Sunday, November 07, 2010

Photo Retrospective - Day 17, A Day in the Life

Of Daisy & Lily....

Looking for a place to go potty at 3:00 in the morning

Watching Mommy leave.

Waiting for Daddy & Mommy to come home.

All excited to see Mommy!

Watching Mommy cook dinner - or rather waiting for Mommy to drop something.


Lily playing.

Daisy hiding while Lily plays.

Taking a breath, before the next round.

All tuckered out.

Time for bed!

Nighty, night!

Photo Retrospective - Day 16, Spooky

This was Halloween, everyone got the tag "Spooky" for that day.

Photo Retrospective - Day 15, Elements

Two different kinds of elements....

First: Air, Sky, Moon

Second: Slate shaped like Ohio, made from Ohio slate.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Photo Retrospective - Day 14, Wildlife

So these are sort of, of wildlife. Took them at the Brookfield Zoo last fall.

Photo Retrospective - Day 13, Beauty of Everyday Objects

Couldn't decide on just one.

My antique marble table

All my magnets. From sports teams, to places I've visited (the Alaskan ones are from my dad), to Starsky & Hutch, to various misc.

The Longenberger pottery that I don't use, only for show.

Photo Retrospective - Day 12, View From A Window

Leaving, on a jet plane!

These pictures are actually from a few years ago.

Photo Retrospective - Day 11, Season

Also Known As: Hutchlover and the blustery day...

Photo Retrospective - Day 10, Motion

I tried experimenting with these.

Not probably what one thinks of as "motion".

In the first one I twirled around while snapping the camera. The sescond one, I jumped up & down while taking a picture.

Photo Retrospective - Day 9, Macro (Close Up)

These are two snaps of my second very favoritest painting by my very favoritest artist.I bought a print from the museum and had it specially framed.Bonus points for anyone who can name the painting and the artist (and triple points if you can name it in it's original language!)

(My very favoritest painting wasn't available.)

Photo Retrospective - Day 8, The Sky

I saw this cloud last Saturday morning, and Andrew thought it resembled the alien spaceship cloud from 'Independence Day'. It's pretty close. What do you think?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Photo Retrospective - Day 7, History

Today, I'd like to offer two 'before' pictures (taken from the Web) of two disasters earlier this century, and my 'now' pictures.

The March 4, 1908 Lakeview (Collinwood) School Fire - the worst school fire in the history of the history of the US (there was a worse explosion in 1937 in TX, but in strictly fire terms, this is the worst).

172 children, 2 teachers, and 1 rescuer were killed. There was even a motion picture camera at the scene! (There was one at the 1901 Galveston Hurricane as well) The long-lost film was recently found in the Library of Congress, just before the 100the anniversary.
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Today, the site is a Memorial Garden. Just next to it is the newly re-built Collinwood Memorial School.

Also as a History lesson is the July 24, 1915 Eastland Disaster. The worst loss of life on the Great Lakes - surprising considering the boat was still moored in the Chicago River! It was overcrowded, and too many people rushed to one side and the ballast wasn't stable. 800 people were crushed, drowned or smothered. Including 24 (I believe) whole families.

Today, it is very peaceful and pretty.

Photo Retrospective - Day 6, Light & Shadow

Instead of doing either/or, I did both. Didn't come out quite like I'd hoped.

Photo Retrospective - Color

I change my fake flowers in the kitchen every month. This is October's colors.

Photo Retrospective - Day 4, Time

This is by far, my favorite picture so far....

Photo Retrospective - Day 3, Architecture

This is one of my favorite pictures from DC.

I love the juxtoposition between the sleekness of the Washington Monument rising as a more modern building, over the early 1800s of the two buildings in the forefront.

So many different, yet beautiful, styles.

Photo Retrospective - Day 2, Decay

I was going to post a picture of The Ohio State Buckeye Football program..... (sigh)
Instead, here's the remnant of the veggie garden.

Photo Retrospective - Day 1, Home

Taken this past spring...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

S&H Live Journal Ollie Awards

I actually won! I really didn't believe I would! In fact, I was surprised to be nominated, as I didn't think my little bit of work would be compared to those who are more proflific.

My beloved story "David & His Jonathan" won for the best "needs another look" story.

I am honored, humbled, and surprised!

As Sally Field put it - "You Like Me, You Really Like Me!"


Friday, May 14, 2010

Sad Happenings

Let's not discuss the disgusting Cavaliers - Le Bron can go to HELL & play basketball there!


No, this post is about fandom issues.

One of my favorite authors in the Starsky & Hutch fandom, someone who I admire, who've I met and found a lovely, intelligent woman, who's done ALOT for the fandom - has plagiarized stories from other fandoms.

The proof is stupendous and very clear. She has apologized for three stories she's ripped off, but now there have been more found. And she states in her apology that her stories are "far, far, FAR, too close" to others'.


So the apology is only haff-assed IMO.

It's heartbreaking because this woman has done soooo much for the Starsky & Hutch fandom. She's also very popular in several other fandoms under a different pseudonym.

She's met alot of other fans at Cons.

And the worst is, she's accepted awards for writing - knowing that she had stolen from other writers. One of those awards is in the memory of a fan who was very nurturing to new writers, and a beloved member who lost her life to breast cancer.

She accepted this award in front of the woman's best friends!

I'm astounded and hurt at the level of betrayal. But I'm also astounded and disgusted by other fans who just want to "give her a hug". They feel there must be some underlying issues.

I don't care. This has been going on for at least 8 years, according to the proof printed on Live Journal.

She doesn't deserve our empathy. She doesn't deserve our hugs.

She needs to come completely clean and admit the plagiarization. Not just that she was careless and lazy and remembered paragraphs from others. She hasn't directly admitted her crime.

And it is a crime.

She STOLE from others. Yes, it's only writing. But writing is hard. And what's worse is the betrayal of trust.

I would welcome her back to the fandom once she admitted her mistake directly, and took a back seat in the fandom for a while. But her stories - if any - will always be suspect.

However, I doubt she will come back under her current pseudonyms. And I don't see her coming to any Cons in the future, either.

it's sad to know that someone you admire, have met, have discussed things with, has to steal to get accolades that she feels she needed.

The Compendium she put together gave her so many accolades and was hard & long work.

Wasn't that enough for her?

The reasons why will never be answered in full. Do we all the fans deserve an explanation? Yes. But I don't think all of us will ever be satisfied with any explanation.

It's a sad week for the Starsky & Hutch, Sentinel, and SG-1 fandoms.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LOST - Best Show on TV!

For some dumb reason, it won't let me do a paste on Blogger from Live Journal.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Random Picture From Each Bryant Park Collection

Courtesy of Tom & Lorenzo Project Rungay Blog










Seth Aaron: